
A single handed controller to make gaming more accessible.


In a world where gaming technology advances at a rapid pace, it is crucial to address the need for inclusivity to reach the diverse needs of users. Currently Razer’s line of products does not include accesibility products for gamers with disabilities or mobility issues.


Collaborating with Razer, RazerSolo is a one-handed accessibility gaming controller. It offers a comfortable, customizable design, with interchangeable top pieces, providing an inclusive and accessible gaming experience for users with mobility limitations.


  • Solidworks

  • 3D Printing

  • Blue Foam

  • Clay

  • Paint

Timeline + Type:

  • 4 weeks

  • Product Design | User Research | Accessibility | Prototyping


My exploration for creating RazerSolo began with an analysis of Razer's product line, target audiences, and brand image. I then researched industry trends and initiatives like AbleGamers Charity and Microsoft's Xbox Adaptive Controller to understand gaming accessibility. Interviews from individuals like Johnathan, guided the research, focusing on designing RazerSolo to meet the needs of gamers with disabilities. The goal was to understand barriers and opportunities to create an inclusive gaming experience.


  1. Increasing gaming growth reaching $180 billion in 2021 with 20% of gamers having disabilities

  2. AbleGamers Charity that provides resources to developers for making inclusive and accessible games

  3. Microsoft's Xbox Adaptive Controller enhances accessibility for players with severe motor limitations

  4. Disabled gamers still face challenges in accessing mainstream video games

  5. There is an increasing awareness within the gaming community about the importance of inclusivity and accessibility, driving demand for products that address diverse user needs.


Johnathan is physically impaired, missing 3 fingers on his left hand.

He currently uses a combination of a controller and a mouse/keyboard setup.

Uses Xbox elite wireless series accessibility controller.

His input guided the research process, offering a roadmap to explore relevant areas + topics for designing a controller that caters to the needs of individuals with physical impairments.

Traditional controllers can be really frustrating for me because of my left hand. It’s hard for me to reach certain buttons or hold the controller comfortably for a long time when I’m playong games

- Statistics Canada

I’ve seen a few accesibility controllers out in the market, though they’re really expensive and not quite right for my physical impairment

- National Institutes of Health

Key Features:

Comfortable Design: A comfortable, single-handed grip for long gaming sessions.

Customizable Top Faces: Personalize the buttons to suit your gaming style.

Buttons Layout: Buttons at various height to easily locate and feel the differentiation of buttons

Accessibility: It's built for everyone, including those with mobility limitations.


Clay, Blue Foam, 3D Printing Exploration



Orthographic Views

A Showcase of Ergonomic Form

Versatile Gaming

Unlocking 3 Unique Experiences with Interchangeable Top Pieces
