Samsung ConnectLife

A redesign of the SmartThings App with a focus on a gamified connectivity ecosystem


Gen Z users encounter frustrations using Samsung’s SmartThings app due of its lack of connectivity, and non-engaging interface. This hinder users' experience with Samsung's smart home ecosystem.


In collaboration with Samsung, "ConnectLife" proposes a gamified redesign of the SmartThings app. This redesign enhances user engagement to address pain points and caters towards Gen Z's desire for seamless connectivity.


  • Figma

  • Illustrator

  • Miro

Timeline + Type:

  • 5 Weeks

  • Mobile UX | User Research | Gamification | Interaction Design

Home Screen

Easily manage your points, energy usage, fitness stats, personalized widgets, and all your connected devices. All from one dynamic and user-friendly home screen.

Life Screen

Incorporate lifestyle habits, set goals, and live life on your terms and your time. Earn points as you achieve your goals and maintain healthy habits.

People Screen

Explore available rewards and keep tabs on your friends' progress. Dive into popular topics and trending posts from Samsung’s community.


My exploration into this projecy began by diving into data provided by Samsung, conducting interviews with various user groups and visiting Samsung stores to understand their brand identity. This part of the research was a collaborative effort, conducting various interviews, doing desk research, and sharing the results with one another. The goal? Figure out what's not working and why Gen Z users are having a rough time with it. After dissecting and talking to users, I spotted a few key issues within the SmartThings app.


  1. Gamification elements in various apps have been highly successful in engaging users.

  2. Users desire a technology ecosystem that is easy and enhances their lives, especially at home.

  3. Lack of engaging elements makes the setup process mundane and less interactive. So, users may not fully explore the capabilities of their devices, reducing their overall satisfaction.

  4. Gen Z are passionate about personalization and having control over their devices.

My Samsung TV doesn't always connect smoothly with my phone, and that's annoying.

- Nick

Apple is just easier because everything is connected and has its own IOS. Samsung products don’t have connectivity and I don’t like their ecosystem

- Yuhaun

Current Issues with SmartThings

  • Issue 1:
    The SmartThings app currently lacks thorough guidance for users.

  • Issue 2:
    Users often find initial setup frustrating due to minimal engagement.

  • Issue 3:
    Connectivity issues can lead to potential user frustration.

  • Issue 4:
    Users are introduced to many features that are hard to navigate

  • Issue 5:
    Interface is not interactive enough to attract users to engage in the app

User journey

Current Flow of SmartThings

Home Screen:


ConnectLife is a redesign of the Smartthings App that presents an opportunity for Samsung to transform it into a dynamic and interactive platform that users will enjoy using. The app focuses on a gamified connectivity ecosystem that addresses users' pain points and leverages their passion for control and engagement.


Things I Could Have Done Better:

Conduct more in-depth user interviews to understand specific pain points.

Explore additional gamification mechanics that resonate with the target audience.

Test prototypes with users to gather real-time feedback and iterate on the design.

Future Opportunities:

Implement machine learning to personalize recommendations based on users' preferences and behaviors.

Expand gamification elements to include collaborative challenges among users.

Continuously gather user feedback and iterate on the design to stay ahead of evolving user needs and preferences.

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